**Next available appointment with Dr Waheed: 4 April 2025**

If you need a psychiatric report or have a medico-legal enquiry, please email info@imranwaheed.com or call 0121-288-6171

Dr Waheed has an active medico-legal practice and is regularly involved in writing psychiatric reports and giving expert evidence.

Dr Waheed is happy to have a preliminary conversation by telephone or email about a case at no charge and with no obligation.

Dr Imran Waheed offers:

-Medico-legal reports for civil cases (CPR compliant)

-Psychiatric reports in connection with matters before Employment Tribunals

-Assessment of fitness to plead and fitness to stand trial

-Assessment of disability (Equality Act 2010)

-Assessment related to insanity defence/M’Naghten rules

-Assessment of dangerousness

-Assessment of mental capacity

-Assessment of litigation capacity

-Occupational health assessments

-Psychiatric reports in connection with housing/antisocial behaviour

-Independent psychiatric reports

-Reports related to criminal injuries compensation

-Reports related to fitness to practice (GMC, GPhC, GDC)

-Reports related to clinical negligence

He has expertise in all general psychiatric conditions with specific expertise in psychosis, mood disorders and liaison psychiatry.

He aims to furnish standard reports within a maximum of 6-8 weeks from receipt of your complete instructions (following review of depositions and relevant records and psychiatric assessment).  He is available to assess patients across the UK.

Instructions must be received in writing and terms and conditions accepted before any work is undertaken.

Dr Waheed also regularly prepares medico-legal reports on a pro bono basis, particularly for cases involving torture and rights violations.